The 'Skins played well (after a mediocre first 30 minutes or so) and got the win. Now, it's time to build on that. Suggesting that they won because Dallas is a bad football team? I think Seattle (and five other gridiron squads) would argue that point.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about singing "Hail to the Redskins!" at the top of my lungs and I'll probably wear a Redskins tie to work today, but the Redskins played and won last night, the Cowboys didn't give up the game. Any Redskin fan (those who stayed up) who says they weren't watching that final Cowboy drive in overtime with held breath and a muted, "please don't let him get the first down!" is full of...well, you know.
Is this going to quiet the trashtalk? No, of course not. The jingoistic football fan must talk trash about his team. Even a Jaguars fan will talk smack when their team wins (that one or two times a season - in ten years or so when they go to the playoffs, somebody will throw THAT in my face), but I'm just letting you know where I stand. And, again, I'm thrilled with the win, and I know some folks who I need to see today with my Redskin tie in full effect. And that Redskin flag on my house? Been up for awhile, no bandwagonning or fair weather fans here.
On a side note, it's about time Colt McCoy got some recognition. He was one of the "big three" to come out of school at the same time as Bradford and Tebow. He's the only one playing right now (yes, injuries are sidelining Bradford), and he's playing well.
It's early, and the wagon's got to get rolling. Thanks for riding shotgun. Let the trashtalking resume.