Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Patriots Day

I was teaching 8th grade civics at the middle school in Louisa when Georgie Fleshman (the world could use millions like her, I still miss her) told me, "we're under attack!"  I didn't understand, at first, but as the day went on, a horrible understanding fell over me.

Now, 12 years later, the man who orchestrated the attacks in New York and DC (and almost sent another plane on an attack run, had it not been for the actions of American patriots on board) is dead.  There's a generation of kids in school who only know 9/11 as history; and maybe that's the point.

Our responsibility as people who lived the events of 9/11 have a responsibility, and it's NOT just a responsibility to remind them of the horrors of that day, but we must remind our children of the heroes of 9/11; of the first responders; of the people who got up on 9/12/2001 and carried on.  It's those things with which we are tasked to remind our posterity.  there is our challenge, and America has always met its challenges.

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