Thursday, December 26, 2013

If You Want My Opinion on Phil Robertson's Comments...Too Bad.

   Duck Commander founder (and Duck Dynasty patriarch) Phil Robertson's comments about homosexuals have certainly caused an uproar in America.  People are taking sides, yelling about freedom of speech, threatening to boycott A&E, angrily lambasting Cracker Barrel  on social media sites, and generally making quite an issue out of the comments of this self-proclaimed Redneck from Louisiana's comments.  Even Jesse Jackson has gotten into the act, but you'll have to Google that yourself, I won't be writing about it here.
   Now, let me make it crystal clear that this blog will NOT be about my opinion on the subject (in fact, you won't come away knowing how I feel one way or the other about what Phil Robertson said), but instead will be about my surprise at the shock and outrage I'm seeing throughout the nation because (as I said before) a self-described Bible-thumping Redneck thumped his Bible.
   Whether you agree with Phil Robertson or not is completely irrelevant here.  When he was being interviewed by GQ he referenced the Bible (I Corinthinthians 6:9&10) and made statements about the moral ills of homosexuality, adultery, liars, and a flurry of others that the Apostle Paul had written about in the letter to the church in Corinth (and letters to various other churches) some 2000 years ago.  Letters attributed to Paul join other letters and stories in the canonized New Testament of the Bible. Now, Phil was expressing his opinion that the sentiments in those writings were and are truth, remember, he believes the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.  Then, of course, Mr. Robertson included some language (that I won't include here) that, in what may have been a vain attempt at humor, was tasteless and insulting; that's where it stops being a quote and starts being his beliefs - of course he did say, "It seems to me...," thus making his a statement of opinion.
   Agree with him or not, he has the right to express his opinion.  You might well see his opinion as backwards or archaic, but he has the right to it.  If you are likewise committed to the Bible, are an atheist, or sit somewhere in-between in the land where agnostics and questioners wander, that's your business and I am not writing to prosteletize or debunk, either way.  I'm more interested in the facts here.  At least, as I understand them, and the reactions thereto.
   I do feel it's important that before we start arguing freedom of speech, we be sure we know about what we're talking.  It's not so much that Phil Robertson's freedom of speech needs to be defended; he was answering questions in an interview, no one is threatening him with jail time or a fine because of what he said.  The issue of his forced hiatus from Dick Dynasty is a private one (it's playing out publicly, but it's private in nature).  The party suspending him from production is a private entity, not a public one, so freedom of speech isn't really what we're talking about here; if it is, then that Incognito character needs to be reinstated to the Miami Dolphins active roster immediately.
   And A&E has the right to suspend him from their show, too.  Is it a ridiculous thing to do?  Probably, but it's their show, their product, and they control its production.  (Though Entertainment Weekly is reporting the suspension was really more for show than punitive measures and that A&E spokespeople have noted that they're hoping the fervor over the issue will die down over the holidays .)  Before you think that A&E is changing its tune because it's deciding to support Phil Robertson, be real in your thinking, they're acting on the direct influence of their wallet.  The Robertson family has openly stated that they would just as soon pull the plug on the show as let Phil be removed from the cast.  Believe me, A&E has no plans to cut its nose off to spite its face (not like American Hoggers is suddenly going to be a runaway hit that'll replace Duck Dynasty in the line-up); and the show won't lose many viewers over this because, frankly, the comments didn't really stir the anger of their regular demographic.  And, hey, if the ratings for Duck Dynasty were to suddenly hit rock bottom, A&E would let the first family of hairy faces and duck calls walk away.  Many of those in that demographic of the Robertsons refer to the family as refreshingly conservative in a sea of Hollywood liberalism.  Again, public opinion, not mine.  
   Turning to the American institution that is Cracker Barrel Old Country Store...are they pulling Duck Dynasty stuff off the shelves or not?  They said they were, then they said they weren't, then there were whispered reports that they weren't ordering any shipments to restock DD merchandise in a subtle "clearing out" of Duck Dynasty items.  Who knows?  All I know is that the country fried steak there is great, so's the chicken and dumplings.  Well, maybe that's not all I know.  I also know that they are a business and they (like any business) can pull whatever item off their shelves they want to, whenever they want to pull it.  Does that mean I agree with their decisions?  No.  Does that mean I'll stop eating there?  Probably not, because my dad loves it and has never seen an episode of Duck Dynasty.  And, even if they pull every Duck Dynasty item off their shelves or come out publicly 100% against the ideas expressed by Phil Robertson, Cracker Barrel restaurants around the America will still have buses in the parking lot because it's an easy place to find good food at a decent price and there's other stuff in the gift shop.  I guess that was a long-winded way to say, "who cares?"
   I do want to touch on the issue of people being stunned by these statements that Phil Robertson made (because I have yet to see where anyone has). I said, Robertson's a Bible-thumping Redneck.  He and his family are ultra-conservative and that's part of what A&E loves about these folks.  They say crazy stuff, do crazy things, and their antics are always capped off by some sort of reflective statement by Willie Robertson at the end (whose voice is heard over a family meal which Phil Robertson blessed as the camera panned the length of the table).  The Robertson family patriarch has made no bones about the fact that he believes (whether anyone else does or not) the Bible to be the Word of God, and that it is absolute, unquestionable truth.  Now: knowing that, A&E is surprised and "disappointed" by Phil's statements in his GQ profile?  Really?  They were surprised that a fundamental Christian expressed fundamental Christian views?  Think they would be surprised if they went to a Chinese restaurant and found there was Chinese food on the menu?  Even the man himself said that he thought little of the comments, but others made a big deal out of them (  The only people surprised here were the show's producers (though myriad people were outraged).  A&E seems to love it when the Robertsons say something considered crazy or out of vogue or off-the-cuff (especially if it's Si or Phil) until now.  Interesting that it's their desire for the Duck Dynasty folks to be unpredictable until that unpredictability gets reported on news outlets around the country.
   Phil Robertson made a statement of belief.  His family and supporters have said over and over again that they agree with him and applaud his strength of faith.  His detractors and those who disagree with him have declared him backwards and ignorant.  Who's right?  Right now, you who are reading this are saying you are, regardless of your point of view.  Who do I think is right?  It doesn't matter what I think, because, frankly, someone voicing their opinion is how we got into this mess in the first you don't have to worry about me giving mine.  
   I am intrigued by one possibility...if a noted gay celebrity were to make derogatory statements about heterosexuals, would it be news?  Probably not, and not because of a double standard necessarily, but because there probably wouldn't be the merchandising juggernaut that is the Duck Dynasty brand involved.
   And one more thing: Do you think Phil Robertson's statements made anyone change their thinking?  Those who share his opinion already have it.  Those who disagree with him already do.  All this has really done is polarize sides even further in what is a very polarizing issue and the irony in this is that both sides prefer to remain polarized.
   Once again, my opinion does not make any difference here, which is why I'm not giving it.  I'm truly not interested in reading comments trying to read into this to guess what I think.  If you think I'm on your side (regardless of your side) after reading this, you've read it wrong.  I'm not interested in judging or joining either side.
   I'm sitting here struggling with whether or not to publish this blog.  I guess it's because I'm afraid there'll be those people who will see this as some political commentary, or a call to social action, or a declaration of some sort; but it's not.  It's a simple examination of the facts and of the reactions and over-reactions to the same.  Frankly, I think such an examination  is due; an honest look free of emotion allows us to make decent decisions, not ones we'll regret in a matter of weeks.
   I'm going to keep the wagon rolling, folks.  Hope you'll keep riding shotgun!  I always appreciate it when I have you on board.

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