Saturday, August 23, 2014

Got it, He Played Golf

   It's no secret that I'm a Conservative (not a Republican, nor a hater of those not like me, but a political Conservative).  I'm also no fan of the Affordable Care Act, which has allowed my MS medication to be anything but affordable (400% increase in my co-pay) and I feel like the current administration's defense strategy is little more than a carefully crafted Connect4 game plan.  Add to that the fact that our economy is a mess (and I feel like we're beyond blaming previous administrations, or else I think we should start examining FDR's New Deal to see if the Social Security system started out on the wrong foot eight decades ago) and I feel like the hope and change we were promised is just change, and not for the better.  
   Now, having said all that, you know where I stand politically.  As far as recent events, I am in firm grasp of the fact that President Obama went and played golf after his press conference about the murder of James Foley at the hands of ISIS terrorists in the Middle East.  I am aware that he also spoke about the events in Franklin, Missouri before hitting the links.  Do I agree with his behavior?  Doesn't matter, I'm not the President, I don't know how he clears his head or thinks best.  I only know myself.  I know that I often think best when fishing, in fact, after my mom passed, I spent most of an afternoon at a pond casting and reeling, not so much caring about catching a fish as much as immersing myself in processing the events of the last few days.
   Before you think I'm defending the President's behavior, I'm not.  Frankly, it's not my place to do so.  
   I want to talk about the media for a moment.  What I am frustrated by and want to address is the fact that every story I saw the anchors talk about this morning on Fox and Friends (a show I choose above and beyond any national morning show, by the way) ended with some version of, "and the President went to play golf."  Okay, sure, but in the age of instant contact, I get texts and calls while I'm anywhere allowing me to conduct business (or update my Facebook status) from the middle of the James River or in line at Starbucks.  You're telling me the President of the United States is out of touch if he's on the golf course?  I doubt it.  There's probably more secure communication apparatus around him than on the Death Star.  The suggestion that he's ignoring the business of our country is partisanship, and argues against the idea that we need a balanced media.  Remember when the liberal media went after Bush for vacationing during times of crisis?  Here we are watching Obama fall under the same criticism.
   Again, this is not a defense of a Obama or his policies.  My taxes are higher, my healthcare costs are higher, and the economic outlook is more bleak than it was even last year; but the media's job is to report the news, not his a president responds to it - or at least not to dedicate a whole morning to it.
   On rolls the wagon.  Thanks for riding shotgun!

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